How do I take screenshots in Tropico 4: Gold Edition?
To take screenshots while playing Tropico 4: Gold Edition you should use the following key command:
Command (⌘) + Shift (⇧) + P
When you press all three keys at once, a single image of the on-screen contents will be saved in the Feral Interactive folder in your computer's ~/Pictures folder (the "~" symbol refers to your home directory).
The JPEG image contains metadata in a string in the following format.
GameName/Version Number (OS Version; CPU Speed; Installed RAM; Video RAM; Current Graphics Card)
For example in Tropico 4: Gold Edition the string might look a little like this:
Tropico 4 - Gold Edition/1.0 (macOS 10.15; 3.0; 8.0; 4.0; AMD Radeon R9 M395X)
This information can be easily removed by exporting the screenshot into a different format using Preview or another image editing tool.
NOTE: None of the metadata stored can be used to identify the user.