
DiRT 4 does not have permission to access all features of my steering wheel. How do I resolve this?

In order to access all the features of Fanatec and Logitech wheels, a .rules file needs to be added to your computer's udev rules folder. We have provided the required .rules file in DiRT 4's Steam folder. To add this to your computer's udev rules folder, follow the instructions below.

For users running Ubuntu:

  1. Disconnect your steering wheel from your computer.

  2. If it is not already running, launch the Steam application.

  3. Select Library.

  4. In the library, right-click on DiRT 4 and select Properties.

  5. Select Local Files.

  6. Select Browse Local Files.

  7. The DiRT 4 folder window will appear. Open the share folder.

  8. Right-click on the udev folder. Select Open in Terminal.

  9. The Terminal window will appear. If you are using a Fanatec wheel, enter the following command: sudo cp 99-fanatec-wheel-perms.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ If you are using a Logitech wheel, enter the following command: sudo cp 99-logitech-wheel-perms.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

  10. Enter the following command: sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

  11. Reconnect your steering wheel and launch DiRT 4. DiRT 4 will now have permission to access all features of your steering wheel.

NOTE: It is possible to use your wheel in DiRT 4 without following these instructions, but you may not have access to all of your wheel's features (such as Force Feedback).