
How do I enter cheats?

Cheats are entered via the in-game console, which is accessed by tapping and holding both upper corners of the screen.

Code Syntax Effect
add_population add_population [settlement name] [amount] Add the specified amount of population to a settlement
add_money add_money [faction name,] [amount] Add the specified amount of money to your treasury
give_ancillary give_ancillary [character name] [ancillary id] Give the ancillary with the specified ID to the character with the specified name. Use quotation marks for characters with spaces in their names.
remove_ancillary remove_ancillary [character name] [ancillary id] Remove the ancillary with the specified ID from the character with the specified name. Use quotation marks for characters with spaces in their names.
give_trait give_trait [character name] [trait id] [level] Give the trait with the specified ID to the character with the specified name. Use quotation marks for characters with spaces in their names.
remove_trait remove_trait [character name] [trait id] Remove the trait with the specified ID from the character with the specified name. Use quotation marks for characters with spaces in their names.
toggle_fow toggle_fow Toggles the ‘Fog of War’
create_unit create_unit [settlement / character name] [unit id] [amount] [experience] [armor] [weapon] Create a unit within the specified settlement or for the specified character.
process_cq process_cq [settlement name] Instantly complete all pending construction work for the settlement specified.
process_rq process_rq [settlement name] Instantly complete all pending recruitment queued in the settlement specified.
control control [faction name] Switch the faction you are playing as to the specified faction.
character_reset character_reset [character name] AReset your character back to the settings they had at the start of current turn.
move_character move_character [character name] [x] [y] Move the specified character to specified coordinates
surrender_regions surrender_regions [faction name] Surrender all regions belonging to the specified faction to the rebels.
auto_win auto_win [attacker / defender] When on the battle scroll, use this command (adjust based on whether you are attacker or defender), and then use auto-resolve.
bestbuy bestbuy Make units 10% cheaper.
disable_vnvs disable_vnvs Toggle game applying traits and attributes.

Please note: Cheats are used at your own risk. We will not be able to offer support for any issues encountered.