
How do I play a multiplayer co-op championship in F1™ 2013 on Steam?

How you launch an online multiplayer co-op championship in F1™ 2013 differs depending on whether you wish to host or join a race.

To host:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Multiplayer.
  2. Select Online.
  3. Select Co-op Championship.
  4. The Race Settings dialog will appear. From here, you can customise your race settings.
  5. When you are happy with your settings, select Continue.
  6. The team selection screen will appear. Highlight a team and press the Return (⏎) key to join it.
  7. The race lobby will appear. From here, you can further customise your race settings using the menu options on the left of the screen.
  8. To invite a friend to join the game, select Invite Friend.
  9. A list of your Steam friends will appear. Click the Invite button next to the friend you wish to invite to the game.
  10. Select Return to Game to close your friends list and return to the lobby.
  11. When you are happy with your settings and the other player has joined the game, select Ready.
  12. The game will begin once the other player has selected Ready.

To join:

To join a co-op championship, you must be signed in to Steam and wait to be invited by the host.

  1. When the invitation arrives, a Steam pop-up will appear. Press Shift (⇧) + Tab (⇥) to view the invitation.
  2. A chat window will appear, showing the invitation. Click the invitation to join the game.
  3. You will be taken to the race lobby. From here, you can customise your race settings using the menu options on the left of the screen.
  4. When you are happy with your settings, select Ready.
  5. The game will begin once the host has selected Ready.