
How do I play a LAN (Local Area Network) multiplayer race in F1 2012™?

How you launch a LAN multiplayer race in F1 2012™ differs depending on whether you wish to host or join a race.

To host a LAN multiplayer race:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Multiplayer.

  2. Select LAN.

  3. Select Create Session.

  4. The Host Options dialog will appear. From here, you can customise your race settings.

  5. When you are happy with your settings, select Create Session.

  6. The race lobby will appear. From here, you can further customise your race settings using the menu options on the left of the screen.

  7. When you are happy with your settings, select Ready. A countdown will begin and the game will launch after 30 seconds or once all the players in the lobby have selected Ready, whichever is the sooner.

To join a LAN multiplayer race:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Multiplayer.

  2. Select LAN.

  3. Select Find Session.

  4. If there is at least one available session, the Session List window will appear. Highlight the session that you wish to join and press the Return (↵) key, then select Join Session.

  5. You will be taken to the race lobby. From here, you can customise your race settings using the menu options on the left of the screen.

  6. When you are happy with your settings, select Ready.

  7. Once the host has selected Ready, a countdown will begin and the game will launch after 30 seconds or once all the players in the lobby have selected Ready, whichever is the sooner.